HSBC, for example, is currently in limbo like standard charter for similar violations, but has set aside$ 700 million to absorb any potential fine. 比如,由于类似的违规行为、像渣打一样处于巨大不确定性中的汇丰已经提前拨出了7亿美元,以应付可能的罚金。
The massive fines levied against British-based banks HSBC ($ 1.9 billion) and Standard Chartered ($ 327 million) last week were so big it was almost hard to comprehend. 上周,总部位于英国的两家银行汇丰和渣打分别遭遇天价罚款19亿美元和3.27亿美元,如此巨额的罚款几乎让人难以理解。
David and Victoria Beckham set the standard in 1999, when they sold their pictures to OK! for a record$ 2 million. 在1999年,贝克汉姆夫妇为此树立了一个标杆&他们以200万美元的价格将照片卖给了《OK》杂志。
By the standard of the World Bank, we still have 200 million Chinese living in poverty, so I can say that China is still a developing country in every sense of this term. 这样的例子还很多,如果按照世界银行的标准,中国还有近2亿贫困人口,中国是实实在在的发展中国家。
National energy production reached 1.34 billion tons of standard coal. Power generating capacity increases by 13.76 million kilowatts and power supply basically met production needs and household use. 一级能源生产达到13.4亿吨标准煤,新增发电机容量1376万千瓦,电力供应基本满足生产和生活的需要。
The universal serial bus ( USB) is a new standard that supports data transfer rates of up to12 million bits per second. 通用串型总线(USB)是一种新标准,它支持每秒近1200万位的数据传输率。
They hold their businessmen to a standard, not giving them million dollar bonuses for being incompetent. 他们发数百万的红利是要让商人们变规矩,不是让他们更无能。
By the end of 2003, the system for ensuring a minimum standard of living, on the whole, achieved the goal of assuring all those should be assured, covering 22.468 million urban poor people. 到2003年年底,低保制度基本实现了应保尽保的目标,覆盖了2246.8万城市贫困人口,贫困人口最基本的生活大体有了保障。
Use Z language to carry on the description of test criterion, and eliminate the indetermination of the natural language. We provide the measure standard to the base hundred million Z test sufficiency, also alleviate the test sequence in the certain degree to be possible execution question. 将测试准则用Z语言进行了描述,以消除自然语言中的不确定性,对基于Z的测试充分性提供了度量的标准,也在一定程度上缓解了测试序列的可执行性问题。
It also solves a series of problems like the instability of concrete compressive strength, high intensity value, not being up to the standard and so on. And it saves the project over one million cost during a whole cycle. 解决了混凝土抗压强度不稳定、强度值过高、达不到标准等一系列问题,并为项目整个周期节约了一百多万的成本费用。
According to rural poverty standard 1196 Yuan in 2008, there were 40.07 million rural poor residents at the end of this year, they constituted the main body of rural disadvantaged groups in China. 按2008年农村贫困标准1196元测算,年末农村贫困人口为4007万人,他们构成了我国农村弱势群体的主体。